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Based on 884 reviews

Brilliant quality and speedy delivery 😊

Marvel charms

Wife absolutely loves her new Deadpool and Wolverine charms. Good quality and quick postage. They go great on her bracelet with her other charms

Intricate and great quality. Fits my Pandora and Gnoce bracelets perfectly at a much more reasonable price

Intricate and great quality. Fits my Pandora and Gnoce bracelets perfectly at a much more reasonable price

Intricate and great quality. Fits my Pandora and Gnoce bracelets perfectly at a much more reasonable price

So cute

Very good! Love the quality. Will be purchasing more in the future

The Lion King- Simba Dangle Charm

Poorly made bracelet, cheap glue used to hold leather strap in metal clasp, came apart in less than a week


Just as described. My daughter loved it

Very cute

Loved them - thanks


Super cute charms. Love them. Will purchase more in the future

Love these charms!

Beautiful charms at a great price! Lots of choices and quick delivery. Love this company and have recommended them to others too. Will definitely order from Pretty Little Charms again!

Absolutely love it, great addition to my bracelet x

Absolutely love it xx

I thought I was silver?
I got a dark one.

Love Donby and love this charm.

So Pretty

Can wait to add to my bracelet!

So cute. Love it

Love how the wings move. It’s petfec

So detailed and very big for a singlet charm! 10/10 love it sm!

Super cute! It looks amazing on my bracelet! Good quality and detailed!

That "Something Special"

The beautiful pink heart with the cute graduation cap and year added the finishing touch to the congratulatory bracelet I made for my friend.

Disney- Castle and Fireworks Dangle Charm

The Lion King- Murano Glass Charm
