Unleash the magic with this enchanting Disney dangle charm featuring Mickey Mouse's iconic Sorcerer's Hat. Inspired by the beloved "Fantasia" film, this charm showcases the famous blue wizard hat adorned with glittering stars and moons. Crafted with high-quality materials, the hat dangles gracefully from a polished bail, adding a touch of sparkle and whimsy to any bracelet or necklace. Perfect for Disney fans and collectors, this charm captures the essence of Mickey's magical adventures. Add a touch of Disney enchantment to your jewelry collection with this delightful Sorcerer's Hat charm. Get yours today and let the magic begin!
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Note: International deliveries may be delayed due to customs, and tracking numbers might not update until the parcel reaches the destination country.
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Orders for international customers that were not mentioned above, tracking numbers are typically assigned manually by our staff every Monday. If you need your tracking number sooner, please reach out to our support team, and they will be happy to assist you promptly.
1. Avoid wearing any of your purchases in the shower or bath as repeated exposure to water may tarnish the silver and remove the colour from the charms.
2. Avoid wearing any of your items in chlorine or salt water of any type since doing so will cause the colour to fade and the silver to tarnish.
2. Avoid wearing your items to bed since the repeated rubbing of the sheets can wear out the colour.
Surprise your loved one with the perfect present - an electronic gift card from our store. Let them explore and choose from our stunning collection of charms and jewelry, ensuring they get exactly what they desire.
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We value your trust in our products and are committed to providing you with high-quality jewelry. As part of our commitment to customer satisfaction, we offer a comprehensive three-month warranty.